Francis in Aleppo [WATCH]

The World Youth Day is not only happening in Kraków. Meetings are also taking place in besieged Aleppo. The participants have sent us a recording of greetings for Pope Francis. See them and share their message!


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The message for World Youth Day from Aleppo, Syria /
The message for World Youth Day from Aleppo, Syria /

In this Syrian city, afflicted by the horror of war for the last 4 years, more than 800 young Christians gathered in their church. They are reflecting on Divine Mercy in a place where mercy has long since been forgotten.

On Friday evening, participants made and sent to our editor a recording of greetings for Pope Francis, who often mentions Syria and encourages Christians to pray for the country.

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This is the youth of Aleppo, who send Pope their greetings!

Syrian Christians believe that only mercy and forgiveness can end this war.

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