God of Four Faces

One of the many souvenirs from Kraków is a Światowid figurine. These figurines are miniature copies of a stone statue with four faces (the so-called Zbruch Idol) that was discovered in the 19th century in the Zbruch River (now in Ukraine).
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/ CC BY-SA 4.0

The original statue is on display in Kraków’s Archaeological Museum. It attracts not only aficionados of Slavic history, but also modern pagans, who sometimes pray and meditate in the exhibition space.

In 1968, a life-size copy of the Zbruch Idol was erected at the foot of Wawel Hill. This statue is also part of the cycle of ancient Slavic holidays and neo-pagan worship, as evidenced by the herbs, candles, and garlands made for the Slavic deity Kupala which people leave at the foot of the statue. On the other hand, during national holidays, it sometimes acquires a red-and-white sash or patriotic rosette, reflecting the incorporation of Slavic heritage into the vision of national community.

In its original context, this figure, which dates back to the 9th century, was a sacred symbol connected with the pre-Christian religions of the Slavs. The intriguing form of the obelisk, comprising four figures facing the four corners of the world, evokes associations with the axis mundi – the celestial axis connecting heaven and earth, which indicates directions like a compass.


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Artykuł pochodzi z numeru Nr 28/2019